It was like watching some nice seconds of Regular show
It was like watching some nice seconds of Regular show
Ouch! How time passes. It seems that it was yesterday when he and his friends began turning into the greatest threat to the rarest, craziest and strangest inhabitants of that world. A pleasure.
Ha ha yes! They are actually the villains if you pay attention!
The best work of the whole room, that innocent cactus.
Lol! What a way to get rid of the poison! He was not able to transform him instantly, he is 100% pure juice after all...
Ha ha now skull lord is %100 juice now too! From concentrate!
I grew with a sister, and she liked that Sailor Mufoon vibe. I'm ready for this
How the hell could he disintegrate the rabbit with just a slight kick? They no longer manufacture them as before or what... HaHaha :) )
Red chamber the book is so awesome. In the book he didnt disintegrate but he did die! But there is so much more to the story than that. The book is called "Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda"
Why did I miss this? Take those five.
I suspect our friend is going to need a bigger shotgun next time.
Just like me when we finally me meet in person Red
This place stinks, go away...
Joined on 7/5/13