Los controles siguen siendo algo erráticos. Algunas respuestas parecen cambiar de lugar aleatoriamente, razón por la cual aún no he conseguido completarlo todo al tiempo que escribo esto. Pero en general lo sigo encontrando todo entretenido. :3)
Los controles siguen siendo algo erráticos. Algunas respuestas parecen cambiar de lugar aleatoriamente, razón por la cual aún no he conseguido completarlo todo al tiempo que escribo esto. Pero en general lo sigo encontrando todo entretenido. :3)
Pura vida Redchamber, las preguntas se mantienen siempre en el mismo lugar, eso no cambia, ha de ser por la cantidad de obras que parecen imposibles de memorisar por posición, la repetición es la técnica para ganar el juego si no conocés las referentes, y mejor aún así algunas imágenes podrán ser más fáciles de recordar, es como estudiar sin darte cuenta. Saludos
Just after encountering the blue monster, you hear music and think, well it gets epic ... Unfortunately, you end up hating this part. Because the festival to die impaled on skewers starts here. But the game is funny.
At first the game seems a stockade shit on a stick ... Well, it really is. But give him a chance, if only to hear the jingle of the end ... It has some interesting things like your cube can shit platforms, among other things.
What happened to the medals? I got them all, but do not appear. They have also disappeared here ... and ... good game, very entertaining, thanks !. The mouse is a bit chaotic, as ever, but your art is fun.
Insanely great. :))
Don't get fooled. It's purrrrfect!!
The game becomes a bit slow as we approach the end. The high score table does not work. My time is 224.6. Good game for a crocodile ... :)
The game is very entertaining. The music is repetitive ad nauseum, but I have not turned off, after all, already lost my sanity long ago.
To end the armed duck inside the closet, you'll need a hammer, some nails and a plank. The nails are scattered on the floor of the gas station in sight ... but to get the piece of wood, you must first end the alien duck on the farm. Try to combine elements in a specific order if necessary. Nice ending ... well. Poor dog.
This place stinks, go away...
Joined on 7/5/13