It's a magic bean?
It's a magic bean?
very magical! it can sing :O
Hey! My thumb up!
All the thumbs!
How romantic. Two robots exchanging data in the cloud.
It WAS romantic until you showed up lol!
That new style is weird. But it's also weird to have your office in a tree. ...Just kidding. I like it.
No no you are 100% right! it is weird as hell!
It's been a great summer here in the north, guys, but this autumn witch is chasing me and I have to go. See you next time!
Wait! really? where are you going?
You can put 1000 pictures of Tom in front, and still you can recognize that Chutney style instantly.
Ha ha The great tom fulps war! 1000 Tom fulps!
At least the service is fast...
Haha, that's what I look for in prison food.
I know them. They worked with me at the factory, before I left.
You mean before you ate them you sick monster!
That's an overproductive clam. Two pearls in one shell!
I'm getting a little clammy just thinking about it!
If I have to highlight something, I think the fur for the rabbit is very well detailed.
I'm calling the police
This place stinks, go away...
Joined on 7/5/13