Simple drawings as always, but effective punch at the end, as always too.
Simple drawings as always, but effective punch at the end, as always too.
Yeah! Hang in there
Mental Note: If the lasagna is about to expire, don't give it to your cat.
You haven't seen the movie, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, right? :)
There are worse tests. Like the classic, kneeling under a table.
How romantic. Two robots exchanging data in the cloud.
It WAS romantic until you showed up lol!
That new style is weird. But it's also weird to have your office in a tree. ...Just kidding. I like it.
No no you are 100% right! it is weird as hell!
Either his room is magical, or they live near a casino.
Those incredible ACME guns...
It's been a great summer here in the north, guys, but this autumn witch is chasing me and I have to go. See you next time!
Wait! really? where are you going?
This place stinks, go away...
Joined on 7/5/13