Why escape?... any resistance is futile...
Why escape?... any resistance is futile...
Yeah, but the improved version will never be able to win a medal in the Olympic Games...
Only strong psychic powers can hold them firmly without fear of breaking some bone or two
That's how the NASA guys started...
You think that face is funny? You think this bat is the top of the food chain?... Then, you have not seen the face of the tick hanging on the vampire's back...
I had a friend who looks like the one in the drawing. I don't know what happened to his life
The perpetual motion machine
That pizza is not well made... I mean, lacks a few minutes in the oven...
And here we go! ...an inminent challenger is gonna make his first appearance...
Pikachu is trying hard on that watermelon... Who not, with this sun of justice?
This place stinks, go away...
Joined on 7/5/13